Friday, March 8, 2013

the easiest detox ever.

Oh, hi. I do have a blog, don't I? Let's see if we can get this thing up and running again. (Can we say "again" if I posted a total of eleven times in about a year? Unclear.) Anyway, let's get things started with the quickest, easiest detox you'll ever read about. Ever had one of those weeks where you finally take a second to look in the mirror find yourself wondering where it all went wrong? "How did I just age 10 years?! I thought thirty was the new twenty?!" If you've got young kids (or a job of any sort these days) you're no stranger to less than stellar sleep habits. Couple that with sub-par nutrition and there's no wonder you find the girl from The Ring haunting you in the mirror. Don't blow your husband's paycheck on an enzyme peel just yet. Look no further than your run of the mill grocery store for the cheapest, most delicious way to get your skin glowing again. All you need is some fresh ginger root, whole lemons and piping hot water. That's it!

If you've ever done a google search for natural remedies for nausea, upset stomach, etc (first trimester of pregnancy, anyone?) you're probably familiar with the amazing benefits of ginger. This funky little root not only quells the uneasiest of stomachs, but is anti-inflammatory, boosts circulation, can help lower blood pressure and is even anti-viral. Now I'm not talking about the powder or the crystallized kind that tastes like candy (while delicious, the sugar will no doubt leave you feeling more sick at your stomach than before!), but that gnarly looking thing that looks like ET's hand. You'll probably find it up on the shelf of the produce department, probably above the beets and other crazy looking veggies. Grab yourself one of those suckers and just go ahead and stick him in the freezer in a Ziploc bag when you get home. Since you only use a little at a time, you can get more use out of him and it's even easier to grate when it's frozen.

Lemons are one of my fave all-purpose fruits to have around. Not only does a squeeze liven up a glass of water or brighten a veggie dish, but this little citrus gem has some powerful health benefits as well. Not only are lemons high in Vitamin C that helps bolster your immune system, but it also boosts kidney and liver function to cleanse all those nasty toxins we may take in from our food, the environment and that manifest in our bodies as a result of too much stress and not enough sleep. Bonus? Hot lemon water is a natural diuretic so you'll look and feel slimmer just by drinking a cup.

To make the detox tea, just grate some of the ginger into a coffee mug (about 1/4 tsp), add a sliced lemon and pour boiling water over both. Ta-da! You just made a delicious and powerful detox tea. I've actually made an entire pitcher and sipped on it throughout the day. It's slightly addictive.

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